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Online Schedule Summer
Assignments Grades Conduct Study Guides


All assignments are due on time, including quizzes or tests. That said, I do understand that life often competes for our time, so definitely come to me if you're struggling with due dates so that I can help you succeed!

Please provide an official documentation for make-up tests, late papers, or incompletes. If you know in advance that you need to miss a quiz, exam, or due date, contact the instructor in advance too. To obtain alternative formats and request accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator, disabilityservices@clayton.edu 

Completion and submission of all assignments are your own responsibility. I am here to help, but your active participation and willingness to keep pace with all assignments are essential to your success in the course.

Class Lectures (For Both On-Campus and Online Classes)

Our lectures examine each week's assigned topics, readings, and films. Since studying moving images in a static textbook is hardly ideal, each lecture is illustrated with multiple film clips. See the In-class Screening List on the Study Guides page for a complete list of these clips.

For each week, whether on-campus or online:

  1. Read the entire assigned reading over the weekend (optional but strongly recommended)
  2. Then attend Lecture 1/watch Lecture 1 Videos
  3. Then view the film assigned for the week's topic
  4. Then attend Lecture 2/watch Lecture 2 Videos
  5. Then complete the Study Clip Quizzes for the unit

Online Students: Important Steps Before Beginning the Online Lectures

For online classes, watch the hyperlinked lectures in the order they are assigned. It is in your best interest to keep pace with these lectures and our course material, so plan ahead for this time each week; each lecture is approximately 75 minutes long, and there are multiple lectures assigned each week. Do NOT wait until the night before the exam to watch hours of lectures for that section of the course.

You should view these online lectures only with a high-speed internet connection. If you are working from a weak connection, these files will take too long to download and may error. Close all other windows while playing these files; they are quite large!

The sound quality is best if you use ear buds, high-quality headphones, or external speakers, rather than simply your computer's built-in speaker.

Study Clip Quizzes (20%)

Our Study Clip Quizzes are required out-of-class homework exercises on D2L. They will help you to learn our film terminology and especially to recognize how those techniques are employed onscreen. This is the most important skill you will learn in this course, so do not skip these valuable exercises. 

A new Study Clip or two will become available each week as we learn a new topic. It's important to practice the new clip question THAT WEEK, while we're learning its associated new topic, in order to best learn these terms.

You may practice each Study Clip up to 5 times. Your graded score is an average of all 5 attempts, so if you don't score well on the first attempt, you have four more opportunities to bring up your average and to master the terms you are studying. You may complete all five attempts the week that each Study Clip opens, or you may save one or more attempts until the clip expires.

The Study Clip Quizzes expire at the end of each section of the course. (Section 1 Study Clips expire at the end of Section 1. Section 2 Study Clips expire at the end of Section 2. Section 3 Study Clips expire at the end of Section 3. Section 4 Study Clips expire the night before the final exam. See specific dates posted on GeorgiaView and our syllabus.).

Each clip is worth one percentage point of your final course grade; all of the 19 Study Clips together with Quiz 0 add up to 20 points total, so the Study Clips make up 20% of your final course grade. If you earn a "0.7" on a particular week's study clip, then that's 70% of the 1.0 point possible for that clip. If you earn a "1.0" on a study clip, then you earned 100% of that 1% (one percentage point) toward your final course grade.

Always view the feedback for each Study Clip Quiz question. When you view the feedback, you will see a blue arrow, a gray checkmark, a green checkmark, and a red X next to the answers. This gets confusing with so many symbols, so here's what each means:

GRAY CHECKMARK: The gray checkmarks indicate which answers you selected.

BLUE ARROW: The blue arrows indicate the correct answers.

GREEN CHECKMARK: The green checkmarks indicate which answers you correctly chose. So if you chose the correct answer, you should see three items next to it: a blue arrow, a green checkmark and a gray checkmark next to that answer.

RED X: The red X's indicate which answers you incorrectly chose. So if you incorrectly chose an answer, you would see a red X and a gray checkmark next to it, but no blue arrow.

Important Steps Before Beginning the Study Clip Questions:

All pop-up blockers must be turned off on your computer. These clips will open in a new browser window.

You should view these online clips with a high-speed internet connection. If you are working from a weak connection, these files will take too long to download and may error.

Section Quizzes (30% in Spring and Fall; 20% in Summer)

During Spring and Fall semesters, we have three Section Quizzes, one at the end of each section. In Summer semesters, we have 2 quizzes, since the semseter is accelerated. Note that turning off or otherwise disabling the required webcam monitor, which proctors your quizzes and exams in my absence, qualifies as academic dishonesty and will be prosecuted as such (see the Conduct page for details).

Note also that, unlike the Study Clip Quizzes described above, your Section Quizzes and Exams will not be returned to you in this course. Our course doesn't administer quizzes and exams as tools for your study; they are tools of assessment. Many feel that studying a test is an effective learning technique, but it really isn't. A test’s purpose is to measure your mastery of basic film terms and concepts, not how well you know the test. That is, they are opportunities to demonstrate how much you have learned through your committed studies over the course of the semester. The best tools to achieve this level of mastery are to study our lectures, the Study Clip Quizzes, and the textbook, which is why all are assignments for the course. That said, you can right click on the quiz hyperlink to see the questions that you missed, once everyone has completed their quizzes and I release the scores to the class. And if you would like to go over your tests privately with me, I am happy to schedule time with you during my office hours.

Midterm Progress Report

Quiz 1, combined with the first ten Study Clip Quizzes described above, will comprise your midterm grade for the course. Note that, depending when the Registrar's official midterm grade deadline falls this term, your midterm grade as posted on the DUCK never includes your midterm exam grade. That means that your official midterm grade comprises only 20% of your final course average; it's more of an early progress report than an actual 50% midterm grade.

Based on this grade, students may choose to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of "W." Students pursuing this option must fill out an official withdrawal form, available in the Office of the Registrar, or withdraw on-line using the Swan by midterm. Instructions for withdrawing are provided at this link. The last day to withdraw without academic accountability is posted on our course schedule.

Midterm (25%) and Final (25%) Exams in Spring and Fall (60% total in Summer)

The midterm exam and final (cumulative) exams will ask a combination of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true-or-false, and film clip analysis questions. Always bring two number-2 pencils and scantrons for in-class exams.


Final Grade Percentages in Spring and Fall

Quiz 0 + 19 Study Clip Quizzes (1% each) 20%
3 Quizzes (10% each) 30%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
TOTAL 100%

Final Grade Percentages in Summer

Quiz 0 + 19 Study Clip Quizzes (1% each) 20%
2 Quizzes (10% each) 20%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
TOTAL 100%